Invest in the Mexican Stock Exchange is not exclusive to high executives. Everyone who has a solid saving and a little time to manage their investments can participate and invest.
First, be aware that it is your money and heritage, so consult an expert, go to a financial advisor, and train for investment. If you want to start to learn about investment, you can consult our courses here.
If you are a beginner, we share with you some basic steps to take into account.
Choose a broker house and open an investment account. You can consult the authorized broker houses in Mexico here; they help you determine your risk profile and what kind of investments fit you.
When you're going to select a broker house, we recommend you review these points very carefully:
- Ask for the requirements and the minimum amount to invest.
- Compare its commissions' cost.
- Evaluate the customer´s service quality.
Define your investment strategy. Before you begin to invest, we recommend you consult an investment advisor to establish the following points:
- Investment term: This is how much time you will maintain your money investment; in some cases, you could not use your money.
- Expected profit: The profit in percent that you can expect after the investment term, be sure to ask the advisor about the taxes over the profit and what is the net income.
- Liquidity: You must consult with your advisor to use your investment every time without involving your expected profit.
- Risk level: There is no investment without risks; even when sometimes you will obtain good profits, there will be moments when you lose. Be sure to consult with your advisor about the risk level in every recommendation investment.
Constantly review with your advisor how your investment is going; if the results are not what you expect, it is the moment to evaluate a new strategy to reach your goal. Please consult with your advisor about all your doubts; he is there to help you.
We give you other advice:
- Only invest with financial brokers that are authorized, regulated, and supervised by Comision Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV)
- Only invest your surplus, do not invest the money that you use for living. Use the surplus of your savings.
- Inform yourself about what happens in the economy and political environment. Some events influence the shares you are investing; thus, you can have the necessary information to make decisions.