Groups (Grupos)
A group is an issuer or values list, where it is possible to configure columns.
How do I do a group?
1. Go to menú Carteras/Nuevo Grupo.
2. Right-click over the group and select "Personalizar."
3. From the flap "Valores," select the values that you want to add with left-click, and press the arrow on the right and accept.
Tip: You can choose the assets in section "Renta Variable/Capitales RV. Indrustriales".
Delete a group
- Open the group that you want to delete and left-click on the group title.
- Go to "Carteras" menu and select the option delete group.
Open a group
- Go to "Carteras" menu, then "Abrir Grupo"
- Select the group that you want to open and press "Abrir".
Save a group
- Right-click over the group's window and select the option "Guardar como", with this option you can personalize the name of the group.
Wallets (Carteras)
A wallet is a window where you can register your ask/bid movements and see in real-time your lost or profits that you could obtain.
How to create a wallet (cartera)?
- Go to Carteras menu.
- Select "Nueva Cartera".
- To add bid/ask movements, press the bottom "Movimiento".
- Select the action "Compra/Venta" and write the issuer's ticker in the blanc rectangle, fill out the rest of the fields with the necessary information.
How to delete a wallet (cartera)?
Option 1
- Go to Cartera menu, then "Abrir Cartera" option.
- Select the wallet (cartera) and click on "Eliminar" botom.
Option 2
- Select the wallet (cartera), with left-click in the title of it.
- Go to Cartera menu, then "Borrar Cartera".
Note: You only can delete one wallet a time.
How to save a Wallet (cartera)?
- Right-click on Cartera.
- Select "Guardar Como " option.
Note: This option allows the user can save the wallet (cartera) with a personalized name.